We are One 
World globalized
Dissolved in Capital Advertising Lies 
Subsidized Production's Consumption
Spirit Spectacle pacified colonized Bodies realize Terror 
All Life civilized Domination
Recouped Revolution
Mass Movement Alienation Fractures Schisms Isolation
We are Many

we are many

worlds fit by
loving labors of relation
free life being
of words and ways and wisdoms
wicked webs weaving
shards of liberation
becoming universals' negation

we are one

c r i m e t h i n c .   c o r p s   d i p l o m a t i q u e

in the cracks, in the empty spaces, and hidden boldly public   for all with eyes to see   grow worlds of love and freedom:   partial, temporary, broken,   living in half-moments carved amongst selves for sharing joy and wisdom.  (the Man is but) men are not yet fully machines   and so lives breed communion anywhere, dirt even in the heart of discipline.  and on the fringes, or underground, counter cultures new and ancient thrive on liberation, learning and remembering secrets for cohabitation, cooperation, resistance building strength.

these are our many communities.  history is the trace of our defeats or cooptations.  yet, humbled, we remain in struggle for the total transformation real love, real freedom means.  building new societies in the shell of the old that it may die, we turn to each other across real difference to look, to listen, to liaise in solidarity.

our lives are those liaisons, love relations in a time of war.  we are diplomats self-delegated to thicken communication, deepen translation, widen the horizon of our witness.  we have so much to learn from each other!  together, wisely woven, we could grow into an ecosystem of mutual aid: new economies of things and desires circulating polities of respectful being and freedom becoming organized not centrally, but in all our relations.  and we could be crushed as all the earth is crushed.  what is there to lose?  isolated, we cannot even know what's possible.  so we choose to make ourselves, now, not only in community but between, mind and body bridges.

we are everywhere, everywhere resistances meet.  you may be one of us, and never know it;  there are many many words for who we are.  but some of us have come together in this name-bounded space, this corps diplomatique, to see ourselves and hear each other and find support or inspiration.  join us, join us if you will.

[background to be: spectral palimpsest of every sign or symbol ever meaning liberation]